

For self-assessment claims to be credible, the organization should ensure these claims are supported by the existence of a robust, internally transparent, and well-documented system. Consider how you will ‘prove’ your conformity if your claims are questioned by internal or external stakeholders.

The SEMS Tool


We recommend using the SEMS Tool to guide you through the process of implementing a management system and as a diagnostic tool for issues identification. It also includes guidance, in-built calculators, GHG reporting, and performance assessment report. Upload your evidence, results, documentation and description of what issues you have and how you have managed them. Find out more about the SEMS Tool.

It’s only US$350 per event per event to use the SEMS Tool. Buy it now.


We have created several resources which may help you understand ISO 20121 implementation and also using the SEMS Tool to help you create your management system. Included also is a paper outlining all the documentation requirements within ISO 20121.

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New Book

Cover 250GreenShoot Pacific's Technical Director Meegan Jones has completed the 2nd Edition of her book Sustainable Event Management: A Practical Guide. Due for release in May 2014, this updated and revised edition of her original book includes a new chapter detailing standards and certifications and offers a clause by clause explanation of ISO 20121 and how you can implement it to benefit your organisation. Pre-order the book now.